English below /
このたび、ロンドン自然史博物館主催の「WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR」の NATURAL ARTISTRY(自然芸術部門)で、最優秀賞を受賞することができました。
ワイルドライフフォトグラファーオブザイヤーは、世界で最も権威のある自然写真コンテストであり、NATURAL ARTISTRY部門での受賞は日本人初めてとのことです。
「Wildlife Photographer of the Year 58」の展覧会は、7月まではロンドン自然史博物館で、そして年間を通して世界を巡回します。
I am incredibly honored to share with you that I have been awarded the Natural Artistry Award at the Wildlife Photographer of the Year, hosted by the Natural History Museum London.
Wildlife Photographer of the Year is the world’s most prestigious nature photography award in the world, and I am told that it is the first time for a Japanese photographer to win this category.
The exhibition “Wildlife Photographer of the Year 58” will be held at the Natural History Museum London until July next year and will also tour all around the world throughout the year.