English below / 7月15日から特別展「海 ー生命のみなもとー」が、東京・上野の国立科学博物館にて開催されています。海の始まりから、神秘の生き物、環境問題まで、何時間あっても足りないほどの素晴らしい内容の展示会です。
特別展「海 ー生命のみなもとー」
Special Exhibition “The OCEAN – The Origin of Life” started on July 15th at the National Museum of Nature and Science in Ueno, Tokyo. From the origin of the ocean to mysterious creatures and environmental problems, it is a wonderful exhibition. I’m happy to share that many of my photographs were used as the main visual, catalog and throughout the exhibition. I hope you get to visit during your summer vacation! The exhibition will tour to Nagoya after Tokyo.
Special Exhibition “The OCEAN – The Origin of Life”
July 15th, 2023 – October 9th
National Museum of Nature and Science (Ueno, Tokyo)