English below / 東京 丸の内にある日本外国特派員協会で、高砂淳二写真展「Rainbow – Day & Night」が始まりました。世界で撮りだめた昼の虹、夜の虹を15点展示しています。
〒100-0005 東京都 千代田区 丸の内 3-2-3 丸の内二重橋ビル5階
電話 03-3211-3161
会期: 7月1日まで(10:00-22:00)
Junji Takasago’s exhibition “Rainbow – Night & Day” has started at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan in Marunouchi, Tokyo. It exhibits 15 of my works on rainbows – both day and night – that I collected around the world. As grief of war surrounds the world today, I hope the views of the seven-colored bridge spanning the sky serves to help remind you of peace.
Place: The Foreign Correspondents’ Club (FCCJ)
3-2-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
5F Marunouchi Nijubashi Building
Open until July 1st (10:00-22:00)
*Closed on Sundays (On Saturdays, you can only access via the elevator from the underground floor.)
It is accessible to everyone. Please tell the FCCJ reception on the 5th floor that you are here for the photo exhibition.
*Takasago plans to make a few visits.
Contact and access: https://www.fccj.or.jp/2015-02…/2014-10-16-03-04-20.html