Junji Takasago


写真展「生命のうた」 喜多方市美術館

English below/ 2024年8月3日(土)から喜多方市美術館の夏の特別企画展として、高砂淳二の写真展「生命のうた」が開催されます。


開館時間:午前10時〜午後6時 <最終入館は午後5時30分まで>※休館日:水曜日
入場料:一般600円 / 小・中・高校生250円/ 65歳以上75歳未満300円/未就学児・75歳以上無料

8月3日(土)11:00〜 高砂によるギャラリートーク
8月10日(土)13:30〜 高砂のスライドトークショー、サイン会 *要予約
9月14日(土)13:30〜 担当学芸員によるギャラリートーク

Junji Takasago’s exhibition “Inochi no Uta” will start on August 3rd (Sat) at the Kitakata City Museum of Art in Kitakata, Fukushima.

There are countless lives on this planet, microscopic organisms to large animals, each of them celebrating life and supporting the health of this planet. I hope the show can serve as a humble tribute to how we share this beautiful Earth with so many unique, charming living things.

[Exhibition information]
“Inochi no Uta”
Dates: August 3rd (Sat) – September 23rd (Mon), 2024
Place: Kitakata City Museum of Art, Fukushima
Opening times: 10:00 – 18:00 (Closed on Wednesdays)
Entrance fee: 600yen (adults), 250yen (elementary, junior high, high school students), 300yen (age 65-75), free for preschool children and adults over age 75

Junji Takasago will be present at these events:

⚫︎Gallery Talk on August 3rd (Sat) 11:00~
⚫︎Slide Show talk event and autograph session on August 10th (Sat) 13:30~

On September 14th, there will be a gallery talk by the museum’s curator at 13:30 (Junji will not be present)

I look forward to seeing you there!