Junji Takasago


Junji Takasago
-English Below-
たかさご じゅんじ。写真家。1962 年、宮城県石巻市生まれ。ダイビング専門誌の専属カメラマンを経て 1989 年に独立。世界中の国々を訪れ、海の中から生き物、虹、風景、星空まで、地球全体をフィールドに撮影活動を続けている。 著書多数
ザルツブルグ博物館、ニコンプラザ・THE GALLERY、東京ミッドタウンフジフイルムスクエア、渋谷パルコ、阪急百貨店、大丸百貨店、コニカミノルタプラザなど写真展多数開催。 2008 年には、外務省主催・太平洋島サミット記念写真展「Pacific Islands」を担当。 TBS「情熱大陸」、NHK「SWITCHインタビュー」をはじめ、テレビ、ラジオ、雑誌等のメディアや講演会などで、自然のこと、自然と人間の関係、人間の役割などを、幅広く伝え続けている。
自然写真の世界最高峰といわれる「Wildlife photographer of the year 2022」
・海の環境 NPO 法人“The Oceanic Wildlife Society” 理事
Photographer. Born in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture.
After photographing exclusively for a diving magazine, Takasago establishes Takasago Photography Office in 1989. With the entire globe as his work field, he shoots his way around the world capturing moments in nature from underwater to aerial, photographing wildlife, landscapes, natural phenomena and stars. Takasago has authored more than 30 publications.
Exhibitions of his work have been held at Nikon THE GALLERY, Tokyo Midtown Fuji Film Square, Shibuya Parco, Hankyu Hyakkaten, Konica Minolta Plaza, Salzburg Museum, to name a few. In 2008, he was appointed to the Pacific Islands Summit commemoration photo exhibition “Pacific Islands”, hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Takasago makes appearances on a wide range of media including TV shows, radio programs, magazines and talk events, where he continues to communicate his thoughts on nature and the relationship between nature and humans. between nature and humans.
He received the Natural Artistry Award at the WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR 2022 hosted by the Natural History Museum London, one of the most prestigious photography awards in the world.
Takasago was appointed Kizuna Ambassador for Miyagi prefecture in 2018.
He serves as a director at “The Oceanic Wildlife Society”, an NPO organization for marine conservation.